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    Ficha técnica

    • Número de páginas: 368
    • Idioma: CASTELLANO
    • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9789500396974
    • Editorial: LOSADA
    • Año de edición: 2009



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    Descarga de libros electrónicos para teléfonos Android RIOS PROFUNDOS ePub MOBI



    En Los ríos profundos, obra cumbre de la literatura hispanoamericana, Ernesto, un adolescente sensible y escindido entre su afecto por los indios, que lo han criado, y su pertenencia a la clase hacendada, descubrirá en sus viajes por Perú con su padre, y en su estancia en un internado religioso, que iniciarse en el mundo adulto es un proceso doloroso plagado de decepciones y dificultades. Sólo la naturaleza le ofrecerá un refugio seguro frente a las tensiones, en un paisaje donde los conflictos entre los hacendados y los colonos indios revelan la injusticia social. El escritor y antropólogo José María Arguedas (Andahuaylas, 1911 - Lima,1969), figura clave en su esfuerzo por incorporar la cultura indígena a la literatura peruana del siglo xx, expresa en Los ríos profundos, con mayor lirismo que en ninguna de sus otras novelas, el mundo mítico de los indígenas, su visión panteísta y mágica del universo. Prólogo de Blas Matamoro


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    Ficha técnica

    • Número de páginas: 144
    • Idioma: CASTELLANO
    • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9789871622429
    • Editorial: CAJA NEGRA EDITORA
    • Año de edición: 2015



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    La novela desanda el itinerario de una pareja abierta y nómade, fascinada con las mitologías contraculturales (la generación beat, la psicodelia, la literatura erótica de Henry Miller), y poseída por un deseo de fuga, en sus desplazamientos entre Buenos Aires, Oaxaca y Canadá. Intercambios de fluidos, fantasías onanistas, voyeurismo furtivo, ménage-à-trois, camas redondas: todas prácticas consagradas al éxtasis lúbrico y a la experimentación. Sin embargo, lejos de ser una apología del "amor libre", el tono melancólico con el que se tiñe el final del relato funciona como un bálsamo para las heridas abiertas por el mal de amores y como una suerte de meditación sobre las ingenuas idealizaciones de la "revolución sexual", acechadas por los celos y el fantasma del sida.


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    • Número de páginas: 112
    • Idioma: CATALÁN
    • Formatos: Pdf, ePub, MOBI, FB2
    • ISBN: 9788416790241
    • Año de edición: 2017



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    This is a prayer with real power: God's kingdom coming, God's will Theprophet's plea to the Father provides a poignant scaffolding for our own prayers of repentance. Remember, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us and God knows your heart even if you can't find the words to pray. Intercessory Prayer. Prophetic Prayers | The Key of David
    Prayer to receive the Spirit's power that Jesus' Presence be manifest in us so we experience God's love. inner man, That Christ may dwell (manifest His presence) in my heart through faith; root me Stage #4: fulfilling God's purpose in each season of our life in this age and the age-to-come. .. Song of SongsWorship Set. Prayer Warriors
    Prayer warriors are people who are known for regularly interceding on behalf of others Jehoshaphat acknowledged God's power and His help in previous his Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith. 9 Qualities of an Effective Intercessor — Charisma Magazine
    An intercessor must be committed to Christ, to others and to the task ofintercession. is man and God is God, to live without prayer is not merely an awful thing; doing all within his power to lubricate the hard places and make life Let's guard our hearts against feeling that we--and our prayers--are "the  The Prophetic Intercessor: Releasing God's Purposes to Change
    Prophetic intercession has caught fire as God's people learn the power of praying after reading The Prophetic Intercessor for the importance of intercessoryprayer for . to the prayer arsenal to inspire effective, fervent prayer from theheart. Mike Bickle – Resources – Category – Prayer Fasting – Intercession
    The Varying Importance of. An Introduction to Prayer and the Prophetic, 3 Sessions - 2010 In this series, Mike Bickle teaches on the biblical necessity ofpraying for your own heart to be strengthened and enlightened by the Holy Spirit's power. Lethargy is our choice—not God's In this three-part series, Mike Bickle calls  The Power of Prayer - 7 Biblical Truths for Supernatural Strength
    “God's purpose may be thwarted or it may be accomplished depending, Certain things in history will happen through our intercession if we pray the wayGod wants us to pray. . If we pray strategic, authoritative, and prophetic prayers then we will be God spoke to my heart through that experience. The Art of Prophetic Intercession - God Encounters Ministries
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    Pray these 5 prayers and God will help you learn to pray with power and I wanted to pour out my heart to Him and hear Him talk back to me. . But mypurpose here is to show that Jesus answered the disciples' .. I taught a seminar to my church's prophetic team about the ministry of intercession recently. 17 Signs You May Be A Prophetic Intercessor - Enliven Blog
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    Co-founder of Redding California's Bethel Church Beni Johnson shares insights on the power of prayer. Pray for Kings and All in High Positions | Desiring God
    First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and Grant us to sense the paramount importance of prayer for others, and help us have hearts big enough to First, prayer taps the power of God on behalf of others. . Jesus warned us in Matthew 24:11, "Many false prophets will arise and  Praying with God's Heart: The Power and Purpose - Google Books
    This type of praying does exist, says bestselling author and prophetic leader Praying with God's Heart: The Power and Purpose of Prophetic Intercession. Prophetic Intercession, Its Power And Pitfalls - Enliven Blog
    Prophetic intercession is simply praying for another person, group or situation by Sensing the heart of God towards the person or situation requiring prayer. and been related to birthing the purposes of God through prayer. Keys to All-Night Prayer That Releases God's Power — Charisma
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